Difference between Love and Attraction

What is Attraction? Attraction means the charm that we cannot be miss. Such a strain that we cannot control. To get something, we put everything at stake. The reason for that attachment can be a person, an authority, an asset, or an item. Just as iron does not get rid of magnets, we do not get rid of our attachment in the same way. We believe that our attachment is the most profound form of our love. Is it not true? Do we not consider attraction as love? What is the difference between love and attraction?

Difference between love and attraction

We always think that our attraction is our love, but we will know that there is a primary difference between love and attraction if we feel deeply. When there is love, we wish for someone's happiness, and when there is attraction, we want for our needs. Just thinking so much, we immediately understand the difference between love and attraction. When we have passion for a person, we try to give pleasure to them, and when we have an attraction for them, try to get self-pleasure through him. We are not in the center of love, but we are only in the center of attraction. That is a matter of a person, then what is the difference between love and affection for an item? If we have a passion for power or position, then what will we do, we will make ourselves worthy of that power or status, but if there is fascination, then we will be ready to do any unfair work to get it. If there is love for property, then we will hard work, and if there is fascination, we will steal.

Difference between love and attraction

We consider the person with whom we have attachment as the basis of all our happiness and sorrow, and when we do not receive it, we have a passion for it. Night and day, we think about getting that person or item; we do not believe it is right or unfair to get it. That is why a person full of attachment hurts self and society. Now it comes to know how to get rid of attachment. The simple way to get rid of extensions to change our attraction into love. That is to understand that any person or thing cannot cause happiness and sorrow. But our happiness and sorrow are our soul's behavior as soon as we stop thinking of someone as the basis of our happiness. Do we not immediately lose our madness. Try to understand one thing, when there was madness towards sports in childhood. While growing up, there is a love for sports. Attachment always keeps us tied; hence it always causes sorrow. Love gives salvation; that's why it constantly forms the basis of happiness.

Difference between love and attraction


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